Flash Boys review

Flash Boys by Michael Lewis This isn’t a typical review of self-development or self-growth book that I normally read and give my insights. However, upon recommendation from a friend, I decided to read this book and it did open my eyes and I learned several things which I would like to share with you. The… Continue reading Flash Boys review

Categorized as Self

How to improve your habits

We have all been there. We are very aware of our habits, especially those that are detrimental to our lifestyle or profession. And we all want to fix this to improve ourselves and make plans to do so. However, the execution does not go as expected. The execution starts off well, but for some reason… Continue reading How to improve your habits

Categorized as Self

How to be a leader

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek Corporate management and leadership have been evolving since its inception. Scientific management, Taylorism,  Sociotechnical Systems Theory and other that have developed since the industrial revolution. The one that is very well known is Jack Welch’s Six Sigma which was made famous during his tenure as CEO at GE. This… Continue reading How to be a leader

Categorized as Self

How to be charismatic

The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane I characterize myself as an introvert. I generally do not go to a social event unless I know someone else is going. If I find myself at such an event by myself (such as company function or client event), I tend to be on the sideline and find… Continue reading How to be charismatic

Categorized as Self

Kimchi – just more than cabbage

Kimchi is pretty much synonymous with Korean cuisine. You can not avoid it at Korean restaurants and probably heard the word uttered a few time if you have Korean friends. You may even have complained about its smell. If you do not know what kimchi is, then a quick explanation. Kimchi is a Korean dish… Continue reading Kimchi – just more than cabbage

Categorized as Food

Improve your thought process

Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke Intro I hope this is something that we all contemplate and are seeking ways to find it. Well, your journey has ended and the answer you seek is here. Well, not quite. This is just one source that can hopefully give you new perspective and additional insight. But if… Continue reading Improve your thought process

Categorized as Self

How to manage finances better

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel In this post, I will be discussing about investing and managing your finances that I hope is different from the standard you have been receiving. To illustrate, when you are researching about investing and financial management, I am sure most blogs, financial websites and financial consultants rattle off… Continue reading How to manage finances better

Categorized as Self